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Friday 17 July 2015

Let's talk about Game of Thrones - Season 6 and the emmys

All Game of Thrones fans are waiting until the moment season 6 airs, me, well I'm waiting for the Winds of Winter. And guess what? Game of Thrones has been nominated for 24 emmys!

Speaking of Season 6... you might be wondering, how long do I have to wait? Season 6 is actually expected to premier in 2016, spring. And for book readers like me,  Winds of Winter is not planned to be published any time in 2015, GRRM is determined to finish the book in 2016.

Hey, did you know that Lena Headey (Cersei) and Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) are going up against each other (nominations.) Well, it's just friendly competition, Emilia says that she thinks Lena deserves it more than her and Lena says that she wants to call Emilia and say well done. I wonder how many nominations season 6 will get.

And now for the hard part, characters. We all have been wondering, when or if Jon Snow will return to the show. As a white walker? There are some really crazy theories out there. Sadly, in season 5 a lot of characters were lost. Though many characters have signed their contracts, lots won't be seen. And, there will be many new faces. GoT any ideas? (Haha, see what I did there?) Fell free to let me know.

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